2013年5月23日 星期四

2013/5/21 最新PS4 與XBOX ONE 硬體規格比較


#1 【問題】2013/5/21 最新PS4 與XBOX ONE 硬體規格比較
發表:2013-05-22 07:07:16看他的文開啟圖片
拉露薇娜之風LV28 / 人類 / 僧侶

Xbox One vs PS4

The Xbox One kinda reminds me of a throwback to the original Xbox with the boxyness and lack of rounded corners.  The kinect version 2 and the redesigned controller appear a tad bulky.  The reveal was mostly about the features and hardware  with mention of the upcoming Halo  T.V. show and a partnering with the NFL. Microsoft showed how well you can switch between functions and a brief display of recording gameplay.  All in all we saw the console so its a win in my book and I suspect that we will see what the next Playstation will look like before E3.
Here is a hardware comparison pulled from Joystiq.com
ComponentsMicrosoft Xbox OneSony PlayStation 4
CPUSingle-chip custom x86 AMD “Jaguar” processor, 8 coresSingle-chip custom x86 AMD “Jaguar” processor, 8 cores
Graphics ProcessorD3D 11.1 chip with 32 MB embedded memory1.84 TFlops, AMD Radeon Graphics Core
Memory (RAM)8 GB DDR38 GB GDDR5
Memory (Storage)500 GB HDDNot yet announced
Optical DriveBlu-ray/DVD combo driveBlu-Ray/DVD combo drive
I/OUSB 3.0USB 3.0
CommunicationEthernet, three different 802.11n radios (for connecting to controller and other devices), WiFi DirectEthernet, IEEE 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 (EDR)
A/VHDMI input and output, 1080p and 4K supportHDMI, Analog-AV, Optical output
ControllerXbox One controller with redesigned directional padMotion-sensing six-axis, clickable touch pad, share button
Motion ControlNew Microsoft-developed Kinect camera, with 250,000-pixel infrared depth sensor and 1080p cameraPlayStation Eye dual lens 1280x800x2 camera
PriceNot yet announcedNot yet announced
AvailabilityLater this yearHoliday 2013
最後編輯:2013-05-23 11:49:30 ◆ Origin: <114.25.31.xxx>

#10 RE:【問題】2013/5/21 最新PS4 與XBOX ONE 硬體規格比較
發表:2013-05-22 12:50:28看他的文開啟圖片
LV8 / 人類 / 初心者

微軟在發布會上只簡單提到Xbox One主機的規格,8核處理器,8GB內存,但是並沒有公佈詳細的信息。隨著拆解的進行,Xbox One主機的處理器規格也逐漸浮出水面,這個8核處理器實際上還是AMD的Jaguar低功耗架構,跟索尼PS4類似,但是規格和性能恐怕比不過PS4。

  Xbox One的主機處理器也是從AMD的APU產品定製而來,8核心實際上是2個四核模塊組成,每個模塊共享2MB L2緩存。

  內存方面,Xbox One和索尼PS4都是8GB容量,但是微軟比索尼要保守,相比PS4的8GB GDDR5內存,Xbox One使用的還是DDR3內存,另外為處理器搭配了32MB的eDRAM嵌入式內存(Xbox 360上的是10MB),不過內存帶寬上PS4的170GB/s要大大領先於Xbox One,雖然後者的實際帶寬尚未確定。

  最後,Xbox One的CPU和GPU也共享同樣頻率的內存,但是設計很有趣,他們不需要互相複製數據以便共享,更像是傳統的PC運作那樣。 

  Xbox One使用的APU的TDP功耗為100W,比Xbox 360上使用的處理器TDP還要高,不過製程工藝是28nm的,所以每瓦性能比上還是要比前代更高。

  Xbox One的GPU也沒有詳細信息,CPU和GPU頻率也未可知,之前的傳聞稱CPU頻率1.6GHz,GPU頻率800MHz,性能上恐怕跟PS4的1.8TFLOPS有一定差距。


最後編輯:2013-05-22 13:00:35 ◆ Origin: <1.168.152.xxx>

