『Gran Turismo SPORT』所收錄的車款,並不只有競速的賽車。也收錄了許多在街上擦身而過時,會吸引眾人目光的魅力量產車款。
2013年所發表的LaFerrari,與F40、F50或Enzo等特別車款屬於同樣系譜。這是使用與F1賽車相同的素材、工程所製造的碳纖維製單體式構造,並與Ferrari史上首次的混合驅動組合的超級跑車。合計馬力最高可達963ps。費奧拉諾測試賽道的話,以1分19秒9的單圈紀錄,較Ferrari Enzo的紀錄縮短5秒,較F12則縮短3.1秒,展現其不同凡響的潛力。
Mazda Roadster S (ND) '15
在2014年4月的紐約車展上,所公開的Mazda Roadster第四代「ND」。9月時,也公開了造型,其優美的外表大獲好評。雖然引擎排氣量會根據所在地區而有所不同,但為實現人車一體的駕駛感所做的各項堅持、講究,不會因型號不同而有所妥協。2016年4月時,自1989年以來的累計生產台數突破100萬台,不斷地更新2人座小型敞篷跑車生產累計數量的金氏世界紀錄。![](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_una7Km3Vyy1ZxGVGbWVBRlskKiVkU3C73h5LNRbZwdEajAOojYVKpCY_WjWQjs6mhKsxYLkDbZHIaN5wwCQgXSiNcHXyjtQRr1P_xf8E-BCtaD5PJvj4EUqVy8=s0-d)
Audi R8 LMS (Audi Sport Team WRT)
McLaren 650S GT3
Renault Sport R.S.01 GT3
Toyota FT-1 Vision Gran Turismo Gr.3
Subaru WRX Gr.3
Chevrolet Corvette C7 Gr.3
Vison Gran Turismo
Mercedes-Benz Mercedes-AMG GT S '14
2014年時Mercedes-Benz Mercedes-AMG GT以Mercedes-Benz的主打跑車之姿登場。做為前年結束生產的SLS AMG其後繼者,這台車款隨處都充滿了嶄新的嘗試。車身結構為堅固的鋁製空間衍架。除了新開發的V8雙渦輪引擎以外,同時加入了電子式可變避震器及賽車模式的駕駛選擇系統。整體組合能帶來更完美的奔馳享受。高性能版「S」的話更搭載可發揮519ps的高性能引擎。![](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_uFzWFGCJExkNrNLROLFqMycsTlPF-40IBcD-zDrDuCdXvCPzy_p6nNi7GqAevBOvVJzgLesoTVBO6wfVSEGhm6d-vAmN5ggKyR_NaXWkZvs6dkkbZpM63QyG0=s0-d)
Ford Mustang GT Premium Fastback '15
從初代登場後50年,在2014年全新改款的第6代Mustang。以往只限定在北美及部分國家販售,但目前已宣布這款新型將在世界各地約120個國家・地區販售。有極大改變的外型,較以往的車款來得更加俐落。捨棄傳統的剛性車軸,改為4輪獨立懸架的懸吊也是一大重點。高等級的GT搭載可發揮441ps的5L V8引擎,展現強力亮眼的極速表現。
充滿「Gran Turismo」風格的原創車款
例如相當於現實中GT3階級的第3類別,加入了R8 LMS、McLaren 650S,以及Renault Sport R.S. 01 GT3等FIA公認車款,同時「Gran Turismo」獨自設計,同等於GT3階級的Toyota FT-1 Vision Gran Turismo、Subaru WRX以及Chevrolet Corvette Stingray C7也將登場。只要是跑車愛好者,心中都會有著「一直都很想要這台車的GT3版本!」如此的願望,也將在『Gran Turismo SPORT』夢想成真。
由世界知名的車廠設計「Gran Turismo」原創車輛的合作計畫-「Vison Gran Turismo」,將從前作『Gran Turismo 6』轉移至『Gran Turismo SPORT』持續實施。
除了發表新款車輛以外,Bugatti、Peugeot及 Volkswagen等已發表的Vision Gran Turismo將針對幾項的競賽類別進行改裝,做好參戰準備。
Alpine Vision Gran Turismo Race Mode
Bugatti Vision Gran Turismo
HYUNDAI N 2025 Vision Gran Turismo
LM55 Vision Gran Turismo
PEUGEOT Vision Gran Turismo Gr.3
SRT Tomahawk Vision Gran Turismo Gr.1
Toyota FT-1 Vision Gran Turismo Gr.3
GTI Vision Gran Turismo Gr.3
除了收錄人氣的紐堡林北側賽道以外,「Gran Turismo」系列首次登場的傳說賽道―「東京高速公路」,或短程橢圓賽道「北方群島高速賽道」等全新賽道。
Toteworth Court, Gloucestershire - UK
Toteworth Court is a Victorian mansion in South Gloucestershire. Built in Tudor style, this English historical monument is now used as a hotel.
Kaminarimon, Asakusa - Japan
The Kaminarimon (mon=gate) standing at the entrance of the Asakusa Temple in Asakusa, Tokyo. It is said that that the gate dates back to the 10th century. The God of Wind stands on the right of the massive lantern and the God of Thunder stands on its left. Many tourists gather here at the iconic symbol of Asakusa.
Eifel, Near the Nürburgring - Germany
An Eifel dawn breaks over Nürburgring. Big differences in temperature gives rise to mist, while the morning sun creates a magical sight to behold.
The Wave, Arizona - USA
The Wave is a hidden spot in the Vermilion Cliffs National Park in Northern Arizona in the United States. The land formed by layers of sandstone create dynamic free flowing curves, creating an awe inspiring landscape.
Adenauer-Forst, Nürburgring - Germany
An S turn section at the 7km mark on the North course. You need to break hard as you are coming in from the previous sectors, and the trick is to get a good rhythm through this section without losing too much speed.
Mount Cook, South Island - New Zealand
On the western coast of the South Island in New Zealand, there is a series of tall mountains referred to as the Alps of the Southern Hemisphere. This is a spot at the Tasman Lake, looking towards Mt. Cook (Mt. Aoraki).
Monument Valley, Arizona - USA
This dry landscape spreads from the southern end of Utah to the north of Arizona in the United States. Millions of years of erosion has created natural monuments on the land, which earned it its name.
Fremont Street, Las Vegas - USA
Fremont Street in the center of downtown Las Vegas, Nevada. After sunset several hundred thousand LED lights and large speakers are synchronized to create a show of light and sound.
Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-Haus, Berlin - Germany
The Marie-Elisabeth-Luders-Haus standing across the Spree river in the centre of Berlin (far centre) and the Paul-lobe Haus (forefront). Both designed by Stephan Braunfels.
Bode-Museum, Berlin - Germany
A museum designed by architect Ernst von Ihne and completed in 1904. One of the representative monuments of Berlin, the museum is known for its astounding collection of sculptures.
Toteworth Court, Gloucestershire - UK
Toteworth Court is a Victorian mansion in South Gloucestershire. Built in Tudor style, this English historical monument is now used as a hotel.
Mt. Fuji, from Lake Yamanakako, Yamanashi - Japan
Mt. Fuji in its winter glory seen from one of the Fuji Five Lakes, Yamanakako. Only from this spot can one see Mt.Fuji side-by-side its monticule, Mt. Houeizan.
Petronas Twin Towers, Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia
The Petronas Twin Towers piercing the sky of Kuala Lumpur. The design is based on the narrow towers on an Islamic mosque, and it is the tallest structure built in the 20th century. Designed by Cesar Pelli.
成為汽車研發世界基準的德國紐堡林。「Gran Turismo」也挑戰了在這裡所舉行的競賽,並加以活用所見所聞。長達20公里的距離,300公尺的高低差,以及複雜的路面性質,運用最新的手法再次建構出這世界第一困難、嚴峻的賽道。可以一邊感受著艾佛地區那自然美景、陽光以及瀝青路面的粗糙質感,來一趟充實的駕駛旅程。![](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_tMg-jMaratCFsHyjYtIVNB2QfVssaorfGJ5JuHeaODs7C636xeZQvzWWJvJMlrh4Md7WOpKlz8sM3K-IwsGm8dRoV7GYoF_MoWO_J0xnkHZSndFp4GX6qP3jc=s0-d)
柳泉樹賽道 大柳樹
我們注重的是忠於玩者的操作,以及極具應對力的操縱感覺。遊戲中的駕駛,也應該要與現實中駕駛車輛一樣,沒有任何不同。從初代「Gran Turismo」便貫徹的操縱感,又再次有了嶄新進化。
『Gran Turismo SPORT』的活動模式,即使是駕駛遊戲的初學者,也能從零學習技術,最後習得可以參加大型競賽活動的技術,是屬於體驗型的大規模離線內容。
FIA Gran Turismo冠軍競賽
『Gran Turismo SPORT』線上機能之一的「運動模式」中,同時開辦由FIA(國際汽車聯盟)所公認的兩項冠軍競賽。
不論是何種運動,除了可以做為運動員來參加以外,也可以做為支持者來享受觀戰的樂趣。在『Gran Turismo SPORT』中,可觀賞由「運動模式」中頂尖玩者所進行的官方競賽,由此體驗車類運動。
FIA Gran Turismo數位執照
在『Gran Turismo SPROT』的活動模式中聽講有關禮儀的課程,並在運動模式中留下一定以上的成績等,滿足各項條件之後,將由玩者所住區域的ASN(National Sports Authority)發行與現實中執照具有同等價值的「FIA Gran Turismo」執照。
透過「Gran Turismo」原創遊戲引擎及渲染引擎,實現了充滿光線的新世代圖像。
首先請看對於車輛造型的細節講究。從內裝座位椅墊的縫線,或是取得車身實際使用的塗料來進行塗膜構造的分析,以及測量燈具類的明亮程度,完整再現每台車款的自我個性,正是「Gran Turismo」所追求的品質。
景觀呈現的進化更是不同凡響。賽道旁受到微風吹拂的樹木枝葉,一片片葉子都吸取陽光,並呈現出由內部漫反射的模樣。因為天候、時間,以及不同樹齡而呈現出不同樣貌的樹幹和樹皮。或是路面瀝青的顆粒大小、尖銳程度和分布狀態。這些都經過徹底的採訪,以及繪圖師準確的觀察,「Gran Turismo」致力由全方位再現出完整景觀。
「Gran Turismo」開創的全新相片世界
Scapes是以「旅行」為主題的「Gran Turismo」新世代相片模式,並且顛覆至今的車輛相片呈現方式,是充滿魅力的技術。
Toteworth Court, Gloucestershire - UK
Toteworth Court is a Victorian mansion in South Gloucestershire. Built in Tudor style, this English historical monument is now used as a hotel.
Kaminarimon, Asakusa - Japan
The Kaminarimon (mon=gate) standing at the entrance of the Asakusa Temple in Asakusa, Tokyo. It is said that that the gate dates back to the 10th century. The God of Wind stands on the right of the massive lantern and the God of Thunder stands on its left. Many tourists gather here at the iconic symbol of Asakusa.
Eifel, Near the Nürburgring - Germany
An Eifel dawn breaks over Nürburgring. Big differences in temperature gives rise to mist, while the morning sun creates a magical sight to behold.
The Wave, Arizona - USA
The Wave is a hidden spot in the Vermilion Cliffs National Park in Northern Arizona in the United States. The land formed by layers of sandstone create dynamic free flowing curves, creating an awe inspiring landscape.
Adenauer-Forst, Nürburgring - Germany
An S turn section at the 7km mark on the North course. You need to break hard as you are coming in from the previous sectors, and the trick is to get a good rhythm through this section without losing too much speed.
Mount Cook, South Island - New Zealand
On the western coast of the South Island in New Zealand, there is a series of tall mountains referred to as the Alps of the Southern Hemisphere. This is a spot at the Tasman Lake, looking towards Mt. Cook (Mt. Aoraki).
Monument Valley, Arizona - USA
This dry landscape spreads from the southern end of Utah to the north of Arizona in the United States. Millions of years of erosion has created natural monuments on the land, which earned it its name.
Fremont Street, Las Vegas - USA
Fremont Street in the center of downtown Las Vegas, Nevada. After sunset several hundred thousand LED lights and large speakers are synchronized to create a show of light and sound.
Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-Haus, Berlin - Germany
The Marie-Elisabeth-Luders-Haus standing across the Spree river in the centre of Berlin (far centre) and the Paul-lobe Haus (forefront). Both designed by Stephan Braunfels.
Bode-Museum, Berlin - Germany
A museum designed by architect Ernst von Ihne and completed in 1904. One of the representative monuments of Berlin, the museum is known for its astounding collection of sculptures.
Toteworth Court, Gloucestershire - UK
Toteworth Court is a Victorian mansion in South Gloucestershire. Built in Tudor style, this English historical monument is now used as a hotel.
Mt. Fuji, from Lake Yamanakako, Yamanashi - Japan
Mt. Fuji in its winter glory seen from one of the Fuji Five Lakes, Yamanakako. Only from this spot can one see Mt.Fuji side-by-side its monticule, Mt. Houeizan.
Petronas Twin Towers, Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia
The Petronas Twin Towers piercing the sky of Kuala Lumpur. The design is based on the narrow towers on an Islamic mosque, and it is the tallest structure built in the 20th century. Designed by Cesar Pelli.
最後編輯:2016-05-20 18:37:20 ◆ Origin: <111.243.177.xxx>
bwhe:我看到GTR了05-20 17:44
宮本夏目:那些照片 說是遊戲 我不相信...05-20 18:36
彼岸花:跟駕駛俱樂部一樣吧?開啟拍照模式就開反鋸齒。05-20 18:38
SKAP:我看到好多真實照片背景PS車車上去...原來搞這麼久都在弄照片素材...05-20 19:54
騎天馬亂跑的BTX:這款有帕佳尼的車嗎?05-20 21:52
利瓦亞桑:能改車調校車嗎? 不會跟drive club一樣都只能開stock吧=.,=前天10:50
189:G T最有名的就是調校系統,你的發言根本…前天13:45
最後編輯:2016-05-21 09:05:50 ◆ Origin: <114.45.159.xxx>