2013年6月14日 星期五

【情報】EA CEO Peter Moore 對DRM的訪談



The narrative I've heard is that EA lobbied hard to have the hardware companies come up with a solution so you guys are not faffing around with online passes and you're not losing potential used game profits to retailers.

我聽說EA積極的跟硬體公司們討論出一個DRM的解決方案、所以你們才在這個不會損失利益的狀態下才把online pass取消掉。

Moore: "Absolutely incorrect. As the guy who is the chief operating officer of Electronic Arts I can tell you that EA did not aggressively lobby for the platform holders to put some gating function in there to allow or disallow used games. I am on record as being a proponent of used games. I like the ecosystem. I like the fact that it's kept pricing at a good level for eight years. I like the fact that someone can buy a physical game and see some equity in that game. That keeps GameStop vibrant and they are a great launch and marketing partner for us.
"EA has never had a conversation, and I have been present at all of them, with all of the manufacturers, saying you must put a system in place that allows us to take a piece of the action or even stop it. Absolutely incorrect."

完全不正確、身為EA的 CEO我可以跟你講EA並沒有積極的推動防二手遊戲的機制。


EA的Peter Moore 簡單講就是說XBOX ONE的線上認證根本就是微軟一意孤行... XD


