2015年4月24日 星期五

Splatoon dev teases possible post-launch DLC plans


Splatoon dev teases possible post-launch DLC plans

It sounds like Splatoon will have at least a splash of post-launch DLC. According to producer Hisashi Nogami, Nintendo plans to keep players interested in the multiplayer ink-blasting shooterlong past its May release date - up to and including another game, if all goes well.
"We can't go into a lot of detail on that today, but we do have some plans to follow up with content to keep interest in the game post-launch," Nogami said.
"We on the development team are thinking of the launch as a first step of sorts. We hope to add to that in terms of content, and even to the degree that we're hoping that this will become a franchise that Nintendo can be proud of."
That's all Nogami had to say about keeping Splatoon fresh after launch. You may be able to make a few predictions based on how Nintendo handled DLC for Mario Kart 8, another online-multiplayer-enabled Wii U exclusive: new vehicles, tracks, customization options, and racers in two paid packs, as well as a 200cc engine mode and some sponsored content for free.
Splatoon's arena-style multiplayer is an established fit for post-launch additions like new maps and weapons. Not to mention new clothes for its customizable avatars - hip Inkling kids are just begging for some real-life branded bike shorts.
Then again, Nintendo's still pretty new to this post-release content thing, and it could easily surprise us. For more from David Roberts' interview with Nogami, read how there may be a bit of Perfect Dark in Splatoon and check back in later this week.
Connor Sheridan 
One of GR+'s news crew, Connor also writes features from time to time and does a lil' streamin'-streamin' on the side. Chrom is his husband and nothing will ever come between them.

