2014年3月23日 星期日

【情報】Titanfall即將到Wii U


#1 【情報】Titanfall即將到Wii U
發表:2014-03-22 15:08:25看他的文開啟圖片
廢柴上的風霜菇LV24 / 人類 / 盜賊

Titanfall Coming to Wii U, to Release Alongside the Xbox 360 Version Rumor

According to various industry insiders and several of our sources, a Wii U port of the Microsoft exclusive game Titanfall is to be released on April 8th alongside the delayed release of the Xbox 360 version. Nintendo has paid a substantially large fee to EA to sway the mech-shooter over to the struggling platform but Nintendo believes that they would not only be able to satisfy the Nintendo faithful, but also draw some sales to the Wii U with a cheaper buy in cost than the Xbox One.


Bluepoint Games, the same developer of the Xbox 360 version of Titanfall, is responsible for the port and has been delaying the Xbox 360 version of the game by EA’s wishes so the two versions can launch side by side. There is still no word as to whether or not a PS4 version is on the way despite numerous claims that there will be no version for Sony’s system, but as Nintendo has been able to secure this title I see no reason why Sony cannot do the same. This agreement has been very hush-hush as part of the deal with EA to prevent a decline in sales of the Xbox One with only a handful of developers and executives in the know of this deal. EA is to make an announcement at the end of the month announcing the port for the Wii U.
最後編輯:2014-03-22 15:09:35 ◆ Origin: <118.166.83.xxx>

