米国ゲーム販売大手のGameStopが年内に150店舗(グローバル7500店以上の2~3%)を閉鎖へ。 デジタルダウンロードに着実に移行する中、利益が大幅に低下。GameStop:Switchは「もしかしたらWiiを超えるかもしれない」 http://jp.gamesindustry.biz/article/1703/17032201/ 世界最大のゲーム小売Gamestop「ニンテンドースイッチの需要は驚異的に高いし数時間で売り切れるから今年中は在庫不足が続くだろうと予想」GameStop to close at least 150 storeswww.icxm.netThough GameStop has made efforts to quell falling sales, the retailer will be closing at least 150 stores by the end of the year. Much of the company's sales are attributed to physical copies and used games, so with people steadily switching to digital downloads, and combined with anti-consumer business practices, GameStop has seen its profits fall considerably. According to the Wall Street Journal, GameStop will be closing 2% to 3% of its more than 7,500 stores globally. This was revealed after
は? 今の覇権ハードはPSだろ? 任天堂は去年から「もうダメだ、爆死だ」と言われ続けてたじゃん。んで覇権ハードは去年クリスマスだけで日本の販売台数の1,5倍位売れてんだろ? 何でいつもマイナス要素は「任天堂のせい」なんだ?