Nintendo stock has not been performing very well the last five days. Immediately after its investor briefing, the company’s stock fell more than 10%. Since then, however, the stock has lost nearly 20% combined, dropping from 23,880 yen to 19,415 right now, a 19% drop. The market cap, or the value of all the current outstanding stock, fell from 3.4 trillion yen to 2.75 trillion yen, a loss of 650 billion yen. To put that in perspective, it is a loss of $5.3 billion dollars of investment in the company, more than a billion per day.
Stocks are known to fluctuate. How long do you think it will take for Nintendo to regain its previous stock standing?

Written by Elia Pales

Elia Pales owns pretty much every single product Nintendo puts out, and due to his impulsive tendencies, he also tends to purchase every gaming product put out in general. When not gaming, he’s probably running cross country or writing. He makes sure to take regular gaming breaks, though.
You can follow Elia on Twitter: @Paleselan