2013年4月3日 星期三


It was ballpark speculation at the time based on what we had eyeballed at the event, but the final GPU is indeed a close match to the 4650/4670, albeit with a deficit in the number of texture-mapping units and a lower clock speed - 550MHz. AMD's RV770 hardware is well documented so with these numbers we can now, categorically, finally rule out any next-gen pretensions for the Wii U - the GCN hardware in Durango and Orbis is in a completely different league. However, the 16 TMUs at 550MHz and texture cache improvements found in RV770 do elevate the capabilities of this hardware beyond the Xenos GPU in the Xbox 360 - 1.5 times the raw shader power sounds about right. 1080p resolution is around 2.5x that of 720p, so bearing in mind the inclusion of just eight ROPs, it's highly unlikely that we'll be seeing any complex 3D titles running at 1080p.

Wii U的繪圖核心經過分析比較接近HD4650/4670,刪減了TMU,降頻為550MHz。
現在已經可以毫無懸念的將Wii U從次時代機種行列剔除,跟同是GCN架構的PS4/720機種完全不是一個級別。
就16個TMU/550MHz,強化的快取記憶體來看,雖說raw power應該有X360 Xenos的1.5倍,

