2014年11月26日 星期三

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Sells 490,000 In Three Days In U.S.


Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Sells 490,000 In Three Days In U.S.

By Ishaan . November 25, 2014 . 5:15am
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U is the fastest-selling WIi U game in the U.S. so far, Nintendo of America said this morning. That position previously belonged to Mario Kart 8.

From November 21st (its launch date) through November 23rd, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U has sold over 490,000 copies between retail and digital, Nintendo stated.

That isn’t really a figure to write home about for a major release like Smash, but it should be interesting to see where the game is by the end of is first month.

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Read more at http://www.siliconera.com/2014/11/25/super-smash-bros-wii-u-sells-490000-three-days-u-s/#5rhVQR70wPjsw6P3.99

