“There’s definitely a region lock on digital downloads in place, whether that be DLC or full games.”"I’ve got a UK account and bought a digital copy of Forza 5 on ebay, redeemed it and then about 10 days later it wouldn’t load, just giving me the option to buy it again. After over an hour with xbox live support, I was told “For the Xbox One, that is correct. Discs are region free, so it should be that the codes are the same. This is the reason why we are having it being investigated further my friend. It could be an issue somewhere along the way of redeeming the codes, and should be fixed surely, we can assure you of that.
They passed me on to the ‘Advocacy’ team, who eventually told me I was able to figure out that the reason you could not redeem your PPC was because it was intended for another country. When redeeming your token there are two things that need to match up. The country listed on the account must match the country that you are connecting from and the token needs to be for the same country as well.”
1. 你的帳號所屬區域必須是一個國家
2. 你的連結來源(也就是IP啦)必須是同個國家
3. 你的驗證碼必須也是同個國家