本帖最後由三滴屎於2013-10-28 11:31編輯
http://www.p4rgaming.com/peta-me ... emotional-distress/
Miranda Bryant——“我會考慮告任天堂,因為他們這麼多年裡給了我這麼大的壓力。難道任天堂裡面都沒有基督徒嗎?”
任天堂3ds遊戲口袋妖怪XY已經發售,但是並不是所有人都像任天堂愛好者那樣沉迷遊戲,善待動物組織(PETA —— People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals),發現任天堂遊戲裡包含諸多血腥和虐待動物的場面,不利於兒童的身心發展。在最新發布的blog上,Miranda Bryant寫道她的年輕女兒收到了一份朋友的生日禮物:任天堂3ds和口袋妖怪Y。 根據她所說,她已經把3ds掰成兩塊並且和口袋妖怪這遊戲連同家裡的貓屎一起衝入馬桶裡。她說“如果我真的買了這個遊戲,我的女兒很可能變成一個連環謀殺罪犯,或者更糟糕,成為一個虐待動物的人!”她繼續說“我會考慮告任天堂,因為他們這麼多年裡給了我這麼大的壓力。難道任天堂裡面都沒有基督徒嗎?”
After a brief argument, I was able to wrestle my daughter's Nintendo away from her and broke it in half. I flushed that horrible Pokemon game down the toilet with my cat's droppings. I've banned her from any video games and anything Pokemon-related and told her that she's never going to see the boy who bought the game for her ever again. And I'll be home schooling her from now on.