2014年12月1日 星期一

任天堂或會為iOS等裝置推出模擬器?  是否開心到飛起


任天堂或會為iOS等裝置推出模擬器?  是否開心到飛起

報道有此說法的原因,是因為他們發現任天堂正申請相關專利。專利 講明想在流動裝置上,為大家提供相關的遊戲體驗,原文如下:
A software emulator for emulating a handheld video game platform such as GAME BOY.RTM., GAME BOY COLOR.RTM. and/or GAME BOY ADVANCE.RTM. on a low-capability target platform (e.g., a seat-back display for airline or train use, a personal digital assistant, a cell phone) uses a number of features and optimizations to provide high quality graphics and sound that nearly duplicates the game playing experience on the native platform. Some exemplary features include use of bit BLITing, graphics character reformatting, modeling of a native platform liquid crystal display controller using a sequential state machine, and selective skipping of frame display updates if the game play falls behind what would occur on the native platform

