駭客:Wii U和Wii一樣容易被破解?
Wii U CPU and GPU Clock Speeds revealed, slower than PS3/360
GPU runs at 549.99MHz.
29th, Nov. 2012 | Posted in Article, News | by Kartik Mudgal
Well-known hacker Marcan, who played a part in hacking the PS3, has found out the clock speed of the Wii U. It’s surprising how slow it is, and I’m actually having troubles even thinking that Nintendo went with something like that. It’s a well known fact that the PS3′s Cell and Xbox 360′s Xenon run at 3.0 GHZ each per core, but the Wii U CPU runs at 1.243125 GHz per core.
“It’s a Three PowerPC 750 type cores (similar to Wii’s Broadway, but more cache),” tweeted Marcan.
One interesting thing he has revealed is that the Wii U is easier to hack, akin to the Wii. He tweeted that they are “calling the WiiU security processor the Starbuck (vs. Starlet on Wii). And it seems to be about equally vulnerable, too.”
He has also revealed the GPU speed of the Wii U, which runs at 549.999755MHz.
Now these are quite lower than the ones found in the PS3 and Xbox 360, and I honestly can’t believe what I’m reading here.
Most third-party games so far on the Wii U have been professionally examined to be running slower than their PS3 and Xbox 360 counterparts. Games like Black Ops 2, Mass Effect 3 and even Batman: Arkham City have problems when it comes to maintaining a steady frame rate.
Melissa@0xabad1dea 29 Nov 12
Vulnerability in Starbucks free app code protocol: pick up topmost card. Redeem code immediately. Return card to top of stack, leave.
Hector Martin@marcan42
@0xabad1dea we're calling the WiiU security processor the Starbuck (vs. Starlet on Wii). And it seems to be about equally vulnerable, too.
29 Nov 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite
Digital Foundry@digitalfoundry 29 Nov 12
@marcan42 Any ideas on CPU clock speed?
Hector Martin@marcan42
@digitalfoundry 1.243125GHz, exactly. 3 PowerPC 750 type cores (similar to Wii's Broadway, but more cache). GPU core at 549.999755MHz.
29 Nov 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite
Last week we had reported that the Wii U’s RAM is a certain percentage lower than the PS3 and Xbox 360. You can read the article over here. Many developers like 4A Games have claimed that Wii U’s CPU is horrible (that’s got to hurt) whereas Tecmo believes that it is less powerful compared to the PS3 and Xbox 360.
What do you guys think? Will a slower CPU/GPU clock speed matter when you decide whether or not to purchase a Wii U or will you wait for other next generation consoles i.e. the PlayStation 4 or Xbox 720? Let us know in the comments section below.
We will keep you updated, stay tuned.
Tagged with: Nintendo, wii u
Wii的U CPU和GPU透露,時鐘速度慢於PS3/360
11月29日2012 |張貼在文章,新聞|卡爾蒂克Mudgal
著名的黑客Marcan的一部分,誰發揮在黑客的PS3,已經發現了時鐘速度的Wii U.這是令人驚訝的是,實際上,我有麻煩,甚至認為任天堂類似的東西。這是一個眾所周知的事實,PS3的Cell和Xbox 360的氙氣運行在3.0 GHZ每核心,但Wii的U CPU運行在每個核心1.243125 GHz的。
“這是一個三的PowerPC 750型核心(類似Wii的百老匯,但更多的緩存),”啾啾Marcan。
他透露一個有趣的事情是,Wii的U更容易入侵,類似於Wii的。 ,他啾啾,他們是“調用的的WiiU安全處理器星巴克(與小明星在Wii的)。這似乎是大致相當的脆弱,太“。
現在,這些都是相當低於在PS3和Xbox 360的發現,我真的不能相信我的閱讀。
大多數第三方遊戲迄今為止對Wii的U專業的運行速度比PS3和Xbox 360的同行。像黑色行動2“質量效應3和連蝙蝠俠:阿甘之城的遊戲有問題,當它保持一個穩定的幀速率。
梅麗莎@ 0xabad1dea 12年11月29日
赫克托·馬丁@ marcan42
@ 0xabad1dea我們呼籲的WiiU安全處理器,星巴克(與Wii上的小明星)。這似乎是大致相當的脆弱,也。
數字代工digitalfoundry 12年11月29日
@ marcan42任何想法CPU時鐘速度?
赫克托·馬丁@ marcan42
@ digitalfoundry 1.243125GHz,準確。 3的PowerPC 750型核心(類似Wii的百老匯,但更多的緩存)。 GPU核心549.999755MHz。
上週我們曾報導了Wii U的RAM是有一定比例低於PS3和Xbox 360。在這裡,你可以閱讀文章。許多開發人員聲稱,如4A遊戲的Wii U的CPU是可怕的(有傷害),而TECMO認為它是不那麼強大的PS3和Xbox 360相比。
你們有什麼看法?一個較慢的CPU / GPU時鐘速度問題,當你決定是否要購買一台Wii U或將您等待下一代遊戲機,即在PlayStation或Xbox 720?讓我們知道,在下面的評論部分。
標籤:任天堂,Wii U