I think I either hacked the Wii U Miiverse or I am stupid.
I think I either hacked the Wii U Miiverse or I am stupid. #1
Well, I was messing around in Miiverse trying to find out how the hell to do the initial set-up of my friends list to no avail. In doing so I accidentally found the "debug" menu on Miiverse. At first I thought, "Hey, neat!" thinking it was just a legit secret or something. I can even access something with the name "prototype" that seems to be the actual prototype Miiverse in Japanese. Apparently John Lennon is still alive and is posting on the Japanese Miiverse. Most buttons that I tried don't work (Acid_Test?) so I thought, hay, maybe GAF could have fun with this or translate it. That is when I found the admin list.
At first it asked me to sign in, because my login information didn't match. Then I pressed a button and it sent me to a list of admins anyway. They had buttons in the same row as the names, and I could "regenerate password" or "Delete Admin" or something along those lines. I didn't do it it because I didn't want to risk getting my god damn Wii U banned on day 1.
What should I do with this information? Is there anyway I can contact Nintendo about this directly without going through their customer service email crap? Should I let everyone know how to do it? Am I an idiot and this is already well known somehow? I can post pics, but they are going to have to be shitty cellphone pictures. Unless The Wii U has a built in snapshot thing.
TL;DR I may be able to avenge Jim Sterlings Batman review post by deleting admins, what should I do?
任天堂新款家用遊戲主機Wii U週日才於美國上市,但根據報導,一名用戶在這系統的社群網路Miiverse上隨便試試逛逛時,不知怎麼搞的,卻進入了管理除蟲(debug)模式。而且這模式讓他似乎能夠監控其他用戶,重新設定他人密碼,或刪除某些檔案。
這名NeoGAF論壇用戶表示,他試圖在Wii U家用遊戲主機的Miiverse社群網路上設定自己好友清單,但沒有成功,之後就隨便亂試,卻意外地發現了這社群網路的「除蟲」選單以及管理清單。而且根據這份清單,他似乎可以進行重新產生密碼或刪除管理檔案之類的動作,也可以看到他人傳送的訊息。但他表示,由於擔心自己的Wii U遊戲主機在購買的第一天就被任天堂停權,因此沒有更改或刪除這些檔案。